There are lots of great leadership models out there. But this one is our favourite, and it’s the leadership model we use as a foundation in all our leadership training. We love it because it’s really simple and it works. Love your people, make expectations and consequences clear, and follow through… Watch this 6-minute video to find out more!
- Love: Each person on your team needs to know at the core that you love them, and have their best interests at heart. Making time for regular one on ones is a great start!
- Boundaries/Expectations: Make sure these are crystal clear – leave no doubt about what you expect and what you’ll accept. Even better, facilitate a team session and get them to come up with expectations – a surefire way to gain commitment!
- Consequences: Same deal. Make the consequences of achieving and not achieving, crystal clear. Better still, incorporate consequences in your ‘expectations’ team session and find out what your people think they should be.
- Follow through: If something’s going awry, nip it in the bud! It’s your responsibility as a leader to deal with any issues in a timely manner – don’t wait. One on ones are the perfect forum for giving feedback and support. And when you do them often – it’s not a big deal if you need to pull someone aside for a quiet word.
If you’re thinking, ‘I’m just not that kind of manager’, we beg to differ! We’re all different and we each have our own leadership style (thank goodness). But this model really can work for you and I can show you how.
Book a chat in my calendar to find out more about how I can help.
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